Children are a Gift from God
Welcome to the Child Protection Services of the Irish Dominican province. The Order aims to provide children and young people involved in church related activities with a safe environment. It also endeavours to ensure that adults who work with children and young people follow the best practice guidelines.
Designated person for the Dominican Province is:
Ms Mary Tallon
DLP Dominican Province
St Mary’s, Tallaght Village
Dublin 24
Tel: (01) 404 8119
Parish Designated people:
Mr Gerry Bates
Ms Sinead Fallon
You can contact them through the Parish office
Tel: (01) 451 0620
Tallaght Garda Station
Tel: (01) 666 6000
Mr Andrew Fagan
Director and Designated Person
Dublin Diocese
Tel: (01) 836 0314
Community Social Worker
Milbrook Lawns Health Centre
Dublin 24
Tel: (01) 427 5000
Child Protection Policy Statement of the Dominican Province of Ireland
The preaching of the gospel is at the heart of our charism. The integrity of our preaching requires the protection of the little ones. The Dominican Province of Ireland recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and young people and is committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. The Province values and encourages the participation of children and young people in liturgies and in activities that enhance their appropriate spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.
In keeping with this we in the Province of Ireland undertake to do all in our power to create safe environments for children and young people where they will be protected from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Preventing Harm to Children
The Order undertakes to do all in its power to create a safe environment for children and young people and to ensure their protection from negligent, physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
The Order is committed to:
Minimising risks, in order to safeguard the interests of children and young people;
- Ensuring that paid employees and volunteer workers are carefully recruited, selected, trained, supported and supervised;
- Supporting all victims of abuse;
- Ensuring that offenders become accountable for their actions;
- Working closely with statutory authorities to ensure that all allegations of abuse are dealt with justly, compassionately and promptly.
- Code of conduct for priests, brothers, staff and volunteers when working with children and young people
Being alone with a child or young person should only happen in a publicly accessible place, eg designated office or room with a clear glass window. The door should always be open. The length and number of meetings should be limited.
Never place yourself in a situation where interaction with a minor cannot be witnessed.
Never be alone in a building, car or a closed room with a child or young person.
Best practice in relation to travel with children and young people should be observed. Personnel should not undertake any car or minibus journal alone with a child or minor. If, in certain circumstances, only one adult is available, there should be a minimum of two young children present for the entire journey. In the event of an emergency, where it is necessary to make a journey alone with a child, a record of this should be documented and the child’s or young person’s parents or guardians should be informed as soon as possible.
Where there is need to visit the home of a minor, professional boundaries must be observed at all times. Such a meeting takes place with the expressed permission of parents or guardians.
Never assume the role of a ‘father’ or ‘mother’ figure or become over involved with one particular child or youth.
Written consent must be obtained before organising activities for minors.
Ensure that adequate and appropriate supervision is in place before organising activities for children and young people.
Parents or guardians should be asked to indicate whether there are any specific medical or dietary requirements.
Particular care should be taken to ensure that the privacy of children and young people is respected in places such as swimming pools, toilets, and changing rooms.
All trips/pilgrimages organised by church related groups requires careful planning and a proportionate number of suitable volunteers to provide adequate supervision.
It is important to ensure a good gender balance.
Do not take photographs of children/people while they are in changing areas, eg a locker room or a bathing facility.
Only age-appropriate language, material or media products (camera phone, internet, video) and activities, should be used when working with children and young people. Sexually explicit language or materials are never appropriate.
Under no circumstances should alcohol or drugs be given to children or minors.
Physical punishment, emotional or verbal abuse is not permissible under any circumstances.
Never threaten discipline that frightens or humiliates a child or youth.
Ensure that building or facilities used for activities with children are suitable, safe and secure.
We are partners in assuring that all God’s children are protected against the overtures of persons in our homes, neighbourhoods and communities who want to prey on them and do them harm.
A full copy of our policy is available on request from the Parish office